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The meetings are meant to be informal, we do talk about other things as well as the Amiga & not all "Technical" stuff, although that's not to say we won't be talking about technical issues. So please don't be put off coming if you are just a beginner or just not technically minded.


We meet every 1st Thursday of the month, 8:30pm at the "Lamb & Flag" (see below for more details on venue).


As most of the current members of SWAG come from the Bristol-ish area, it's only fair that this is where the meetings are held. The venue for this gathering is the "Lamb & Flag" (It's part of the "Harvester's" chain - the name "Lamb & Flag" is not too prominent), Cribbs Causeway Bristol, just opposite Harry Ramsden's. This venue was chosen as it is easier to find for people who live outside of Bristol, being just off J17 of the M5.

Please note that this venue may change in the near future. I will of course update this page if it does. So please check before you attend a meeting!

Obviously, the South West covers a large area, so not everybody will be able to make it to Bristol. Because of this I will somehow try and accomodate those of you further south some time in the near future.

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